Monday, October 27, 2014

Student Athletes??

In the world of college football the fans are crazy and the atmosphere and energy is indescribable. With that being said, is it a case where we as the public start making these colleges athletes more than what they are?

Are we putting these college athletes ima pedestal and saying they are above the law? Look at Johnny Football, Jameis Winstin, and Tod Gurley, is the college like atmospher making these players believe they are above the law or don't have to follow the rules.

Some universities are falling under scrutiny after repetitive investigations happening with players. Florida State University has had another player fall under investigation by police with possible domestic violence incident. He also has another open case where during summer he was questioned to whether he was involved in a robbery of another FSU student.

North Carolina Universtiy the same thing. Recently has just been fined and had to deal with getting caught of giving athletes bogus and fake classes and giving them grades of passing with these fake classes. This is unethical and unfair to all the other students on campus that work hard. Also the degrees these student athletes received is rumored will not be revoked either.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Fall Break

While most of the student body probably went home and met up with old friends, I spent my time I. Cincinnati busting family and an exciting trip to Kings Islands. My life is pretty hectic right now with school, football, and family issues but who's isn't right? I used this little break as a getaway somewhat, o skip town and just escape. Sometimes in life we need that little reset button to just get back energized and regather ourselves and that is definitely what I used this fall break as.
Kings Island gave me the opportunity to just be a kid again. Just enjoy the day and the moment. After having a horrible loss against Mount Union the fastest thing I needed to do was just leave and clear my head. It's funny though that I possibly couldn't have chosen a better day to go. Weather wasn't to cold or windy with just a little bit of sunshine peeping through the clouds. It's late in the season as well and it was a Sunday. The lines had a maximum of 15 minutes so you could really enjoy the day and not waste half of it just waiting in lines. This was the first time that my girlfriend and I had been here so we were really looking forward to a day of excitement.

Everyone knows that if you come here it is a must that you "conquer the beast". The Beast so happened to be our favorite ride at the park. Although the roller coaster was a wooden coaster it was not scarce of speed. The high speed turns and airlifts really had our adrenaline pumping. We had to ride it at least 5 times. At a certain point during the ride you can just glare out in the distance and take awe of the beauty in nature with the pretty colors the tree leaves have and just admire nature, then all of a sudden you realize you are still battling The Beast and the ride is not over with. The new ride Banshee I must say will not disappoint and if you go anytime in the near future it'll be waiting for you. It's almost as if Banshee is challenging you because it faces you soon as you enter and is the first ride you see entering the park.

Taking pictures is always something we do together and every trip we take its a must. Taking pictures in front of Charley Brown, the Eiffel Tower and while actually on rides( I advise you not to do) is just   Another part of the day and enjoying the moment. I really needed this little escape to almost restart myself and I'm excited to get back to Ada more motivated than before.

Anyone who has visited Kings Islands before what is your favorite ride? What are your favorite things to do when visiting a theme park with friends and family?

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Did Jaxson Take it Too Far?

View image on TwitterThis Sunday the Jacksonville Jaguars mascot might have taken a joke overboard with the sign made during the fourth quater in the against the Steelers. We all are aware of the Steelers infamous "Terrible Towel" and the updated case in Dallas with ebola and in west Africa. Yes ebola is a major crisis in the world today killing thousands. On the other hand Jaxson was making a competitive joke and using the current news to do so. Across the nation views on this incident were on both sides of the fence.

Against the sign:
Sorry, @Jaguars and @nfl but Ebola jokes aren't cool. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

@Jaguars classless. Ebola had killed thousands and still out of control and your organization thinks it's a joke

Defense of the sign was:
@Jaguars @JaxsonDeVille So Saturday Night Live can make fun of Ebola but Jaxson can't.. I don't get it..

The Jaguars did release a statement saying that they would handle the problem internally. The also stated how improve and humor has always been a key in Jaxson DeVille's success. The team was unaware of the sign made by the person who plays Jaxson for the past 20 years.

How do you feel? Was the joke a humorous and just using the ebola crisis and terrible towel a good idea or was it a idea that should not have happened?

Monday, October 6, 2014

Homecoming 2014

When you think of Homecoming you usually think of the big parties, alumni coming back in town, and the football game of course. Yes, all these did happen this weekend, but the most memorable is the fact my father, step mother, and my former roommate and his girlfriend flew from Florida to come see me this weekend. With them coming back I did want o have a huge game and do well to make them proud. Unfortunately that didn't happen. I possibly had the second worst game I have ever had. I made some crucial mistakes and I was beat in the back of the end-zone for John Carrol to win the game. Yes this is devastating and heart breaking. Even though I didn't play to well, the ones that mean the most to me, my family were there to bring my spirits back up.

Spending time with family and friends you truly love I cherish, because unlike most people that attend this university I rarely see my family. I may see them a total of two or three times a year for not long spans of time since I am from Florida. Before the game we spent time at the parade taking pictures and just watching everyone freeze on Main Street. Of course my parents were shaking and unprepared for the freezing temperatures. I ended up having to lend them a few of my coats and gloves to help them out. After the game we all went to dinner and just really bonded having deep conversations. Those don't happen much and when you get a chance to engage in them make sure you do. I love and appreciate the fact that my father is always there to support me and help me along my journey. Even though my mother and father are not together I always feel loved.

The moment which really touched my heart is when my father and step mother told my girlfriend and myself they were proud of us. When a child hears he is doing well and pretty much gets the approval from his father, he knows he must be doing something correct. Every child in the end just wants to make their parents happy and proud.