Monday, October 27, 2014

Student Athletes??

In the world of college football the fans are crazy and the atmosphere and energy is indescribable. With that being said, is it a case where we as the public start making these colleges athletes more than what they are?

Are we putting these college athletes ima pedestal and saying they are above the law? Look at Johnny Football, Jameis Winstin, and Tod Gurley, is the college like atmospher making these players believe they are above the law or don't have to follow the rules.

Some universities are falling under scrutiny after repetitive investigations happening with players. Florida State University has had another player fall under investigation by police with possible domestic violence incident. He also has another open case where during summer he was questioned to whether he was involved in a robbery of another FSU student.

North Carolina Universtiy the same thing. Recently has just been fined and had to deal with getting caught of giving athletes bogus and fake classes and giving them grades of passing with these fake classes. This is unethical and unfair to all the other students on campus that work hard. Also the degrees these student athletes received is rumored will not be revoked either.


  1. Melvin, you are have brought up a very crucial topic In my opinion, some athletes are glorified at schools but I do not feel this happens at Ohio Northern. What are your thoughts on athletes here in Ada?

  2. I think it's a combination between people being fans of the schools and the athletes themselves thinking they are becoming larger than life. I agree with Alex in that you are opening up a much bigger debate that is a crucial one. Schools make so much money off of these athletes, especially the athletes like Johnny Manziel, people wonder whether they should even be paid. There are so many angles you can take on this subject, perhaps you could blog about it again next week.
