Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Stress and your Emotions

So these past few weeks I have struggled internally with dealing with my emotions and not knowing how to express them in a positive way. After talking to people that care and somewhat trying to get a handle on things I realized a few things. One is that a person can't hold everything in. Its simple just as Newton's Law of conservation of energy states, energy is neither lost or destroyed, it is simply transferred from one object to the next.
So with this everything I had been experiencing I was simply letting things go or push over as if nothing would bother me, not knowing that eventually it would show up later. All the energy I had stored up inside me was causing me to be a ticking time bomb and eventually if I didn't get a hold of things it would cause destruction.
Anger can cause some serious issues with someone's psyche in causing depression and making someone become distant, changing their entire attitude toward life and everything. I can attest this is me. Usually so positive with every situation I encounter I had become angry with everything now. I was grumpy all day everyday and pretty much did not want anyone to talk to me or bother me. Went from a nice person and a good friend to where my own teammates and friends I was angry at and always isolated myself. It was basically in my eyes me against the world.
What I realized is that there are people that care and that anger can't be held in, it has to be expressed in a positive way and the world isn't against you. All the stress on your shoulders doesn't have to be on you. A simple conversation with someone can take some of the extra stress away.
As a guy sometimes you need to cry and let go, its hard to admit and do but the energy and stress is not healthy on yourself holding everything in.
In researching and reading about ways to deal with stress there are several techniques and ways that are helpful

Manage Anger

Control Anger Before it Controls You

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your statements. People have many different ways (some more productive than others) of dealing with anger. I think the least productive way is expressing it against others, because that solves nothing and can hurt people, even if this means holding anger in. I think the best way is to work through it and try to look on the bright side.
