Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Do Away with the Catcall

Has anyone seen this viral video yet? When I first watched it was is this accurate? Is it really a view in the life of women walking the streets having to deal with daily cat calls and harassment? My questions then lead me to thinking of my sister and my girlfriend. When hearing things said to them do they think it is a compliment or do they feel threatened.
Take a look in the video and you will see there is a guy that walks beside her silently for five minutes, Is this not a threat? Who can watch this video and say there is nothing wrong with how our world is handling the situation and interaction with women. I feel that it comes down to two basic principals: 1. Young men no longer have a male role model to look up to, to show them how to interact and respect a women and 2. What we see is what we do, too many video games, television shows, and movies depict that this is acceptable.
We need to treat women with more respect and as a person rather than as a piece of meat. If roles were reversed would men like this? Yes it is nice to hear compliments on beauty and appearance, but it is in the way its done with respect. No one wants to be disrespected and no one wants to be followed and made uncomfortable to where they feel their safety is threatened.
What will you do as a man the next time you see an attractive women? Will it be the disrespectful catcall or the nice respectful approach to say hello and give a compliment? SO many guys do not realize that the simple manors we learned at an early age will get us farther in life and simply being a gentleman will never go unnoticed.


  1. Melvin, I have watched the video and it's crazy to see women treated like this. Unfortunately, it is too accurate. I appreciate your respect for women and I hope other men understand how important it is to women that they are respected and treated with dignity.

  2. I think the video is somewhat accurate and then somewhat not. I definitely agree these things do happen. Some people are naturally disrespectful, and some guys do have a problem treating women like they are "objects" in a sense. However, I think the guys that do this create a negative stereotype for those who are otherwise respectful and polite.
