Monday, September 15, 2014

Did ONU Drop the Ball?

Do you think ONU dropped the ball? When it comes to what happened last week with the escaping of convicts from the Lima prison students were somewhat left with an uneasy feeling when the school didn't notify the campus community of what was going on. Many students like myself felt as though the school should have sent a campus wide email. The breaking news made national attention, reaching Florida where my mother tagged me in a Facebook post informing myself to be safe and aware. Personally the way I found out the convicts had escaped where through social media such as Twitter, SnapChat and the new Yik Yak. Many students were upset that this was the way they found out about the escaping. We feel as though ONU somewhat let us down and can possibly make us feel our security and safety is in question. Even though the event occurred miles away it is still close enough to Ada to where we felt some form of alert should have been sent out. IS security a question now for students?


  1. I share the same point of view as you do, Melvin. I heard about it from a friend I happened to be texting at another college, in Indiana no less. I had no idea that three convicts, one of which was a school shooter, had escaped from a prison nearby. The next day, I kept looking for an email about what happened or some kind of safety precautions of guidelines in case something like this may occur again, but there was nothing. I hate to say security is a question, but maybe looking over some of the protocols may be in order for the security staff.

    1. As a student we shouldn't have to worry about our safety on campus, especially when ONU is such a beautiful campus and we take pride in our location and believing we are safe, Maybe since we are pr students we take a different look at things, but could only imagine things getting worse if those convicts getting to Ada.

  2. I agree with you, Melvin. We should have been made aware of this situation. The only thing that holds me back from getting angry with the school though is this, the school provides us with the tool called Nixle. If Nixle did not inform us of this incident, I am not sure how the school could have. Maybe they found out too late? There are many other circumstances to take into consideration but I definitely understand why you would be frustrated.
