Sunday, September 28, 2014

Chivalry Still Exist?

I've heard so much about how the world is changing, how people do not have manors anymore and people are so rude. I noticed this around campus this week and thought that maybe this may be the changing in times with our generation. I noticed so many  guys not holding the doors open for females this week around campus and thought why is this. Nowadays the new term "thirsty" is spreading worldwide. According to thirsty means"to eager to get something or desperate." There are different Types of Thirsty. Is social media and our generation changed so much that males are not conducting themselves with proper edicate. Is CHIVALRY DEAD?

This is a question  kept asking myself this week and decided I should talk about it on campus. I was raised that as a guy you should treat a woman with respect and seeing so many males disrespect a female this week was shocking. Whether it was at a party or just hearing chit chat.

I was always taught that it is woman's job to give a man something to respect, but is the man's job to respect the woman. So the question is who's fault is the reason chivalry is dead? Is it the woman, man or social media. You see over and over on social media #WCW and is this good?  don't want my daughters thinking this is the biggest compliment she could receive from a man. With the world so ever changing Chivalry is definitely something that is definitely changing alongside and I fear that one day my daughters will not understand how a woman should be treated.

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