Tuesday, September 16, 2014

It is Here to Stay

Social media is here to stay forever! Although it is forever evolving there are reasons it will stay around. "Human beings are motivated to connect and share for a multitude of reason: researching, finding information and inspiration, participating, connecting with friends and for entertainment."No matter the platform of social media the principles do not change, Communication is two-way interactive, and above all sharable. this can be found on Web 2.0 technology. Web 2.0 explaination

Think of the social networks we use today and the ways in which we share information. Twitter has the retweet. Facebook allows you to share post with friends. Along with these two networks Instagram allows users to share photos and videos where they can use the hashtag to search everything that has the same hashtag. Its a way of grouping.
According to the book more than 70% of internet users participate in a form of social networks. The numbers are large enough that if it was a country it would be the third largest. Keep this in mind, social media is global and is steadily increasing everyday. When used correctly it holds its advantages, but when used in wring ways it can bring about many problems.

Do you feel social media is a tool that does more harm or good in the PR profession?


  1. I think, when used properly, social media can be an incredible tool. I think the best example is LinkedIn. Just through one website, you can have access to so many professional people capable of making a positive change in your life. We always stress the importance of making contact with people in your profession and building a network while in college. Well, we can do that easily with LinkedIn. It's such an easy way to make connections.
