Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Loner Ranger

I have always been "that weird kid" as long as I can remember, mainly because I have always done things by myself or at my own little beat. My time my way. Just the way i was raised. I never will forget this phrase my father told me, "When you ride alone you can only get yourself in trouble, not anyone ever snitching on you" and "the older you become the less friends you will have and eventually it will be just you, your lady, and your family."

Recently I started thinking of this because of some things I experienced on campus. Anyone can catch me walking to class alone or doing something alone. I guess you could call me a loner. The smaller your inner circle the less likely you can get into drama or any problematic situation.
My friends always called me the odd ball because unlike them and going out and having "fun" i would like to just stay in and stay low key, somewhat off the grid. Of course I am like everyone else and I want fun, but I am just the one not to do things in a crowd. Jokes on the football team here are that its a special night if you catch me out at a party because I rarely come out at night.

From the situations I have endured I have learned to stay low key and quiet. Be seen and not heard. the loudest in the room is usually hiding something or just begging for something for trouble.

I am the Lone Ranger.


  1. I don't think there's anything wrong with doing anything or yourself or by yourself. I've always taken the perspective do to what is best for yourself (to an extent) and not worry about the judgment of others. I think this is a good policy to have in life, so I wouldn't necessarily consider yourself an odd ball or anything, you jus enjoy different things from other people. I'm sure there are many other people on campus who take a similar perspective to you.

  2. Nice to see someone else sees my perspective is not a wrong way of doing things. Yes there are some positive and negatives but like you said everyone has their own way of doing things.

  3. Melvin,
    It is so nice to hear that you are so comfortable with being alone. I seem to have trouble being alone sometimes because I fear that I will be missing out on something. I do, however, love a night spent alone watching Netflix or hanging out in my room with a few close friends once in a while. Embrace this lifestyle and keep doing what you need to to enjoy your life. :)

  4. Melvin, I don't think you wanting time alone makes you a loner. I think you might be more introverted than some others, but that's not bad. I think I'm an introvert too. I like my time alone and I will usually choose to stay in and have a relaxing night instead of going out to a party where I have to socialize with people. I agree with Ian, this doesn't make you an odd ball. Wanting your privacy and time to yourself is normal and healthy. Don't let anyone tell you any different!
