Monday, September 8, 2014

University of Florida Security in Question

How would you feel if your daughter, sister, mother or any close female friend was attacked in the middle if the night at a place where they are supposed to feel safe? At the university of Florida recent attacks have happened at night where women were attacked but fought off the attacker and with help of bystanders at times to get away. The incident is alarming and has many students frightened and worried. Attacks bring back memories of those that happened 24 years ago easier on campus where the attacked women wear assaulted and dismembered. Memorials are still on campus of the victims of attack 24 years earlier.

One student stated, "
My mom got me a stun gun as soon as I told her about it." Students on campus do not feel safe and they are frightened. Buddy systems are put in place with the university having night escorts to dormitories. The police staff has also changed scheduling so that more officers are available at night. From a pr view it seems as though the university learned from it's prior incident 24 years earlier and is using it's crisis plan. Informing students and the community, where there is a threat and danger to the community the university must alert them which is the Clery Act.
 Vice President of student affairs stated, "This community came together, unified and I really think that the closeness that was forged during that terrible time really is what you are seeing today."


  1. I agreed with your analysis on their response to the crisis. It does seem as if the University is taking several steps to ensure the safety of its students. It is a scary thought to think that something like this can happen on a college campus. At a smaller school, the threat is probably less, but it is a good thing that certain security measures are in place.

    1. The university definitely learned from its prior incident. It is bad knowing what happened and people are getting attacked but knowing that the school is notifying students and taking the proper security steps to ensure the s students and those in the community. I agree with your thought of th happening on a smaller campus, like ONU. I think that in this situation a smaller campus has advantages such as being able to act quickly, campus is not large scale as bigger universities and here at ONU we have somewhat of a personal tight nit family community.

  2. Melvin, I hate to say it but I am truly thankful that this university has learned how to handle this situation. I do not like that students may be feeling uneasy, but at least they have the comfort of knowing their school is doing something about it. I had no idea that this was going on. This makes me thankful that I attend a small university in a small town where (knock on wood) eventful occasions such as this one do not happen often.

    1. Like you said, a smaller campus does have its advantages. Its rare that something happens at ONU or in Ada that the whole community hasn't heard shortly after. It is good the university learned from prior case, they took the proper steps to ensure the safety of the community.
