Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Groundswell Importance

Needs to Know about The Groundswells

1. The Groundswell is interactive and is person to person. It is always changing and is consumer and people driven.
2. Listen to costumers: The customers are who determine the success of your business, so you must listen to their needs and the feedback they give you.
3. Patience: It takes time to become successful. Rome wasn't built in a day.
4. Be optimistic: Take chances and look to become bigger. New technology is always developing. Take a chance and see what is out there to help your business. Remember the groundswell is always changing so the same techniques that once worked to reach consumers may not work now. When something new consumers are going to try it out. So keep in mind being at a standstill can potentially hurt you if the company isn't willing to take a risk to reach new consumers.
5. Flexibility: Be interchangeable ad easy to change.
6. Be collaborative: Collaborations with others can broaden your spectrum and reach of customers and at the same time you and your company have the opportunity to learn new ways and experiences from the other you are collaborating with.
7. Be humble: Things don't last long if you are not humble. At any moment it can change as well you can go from being at he top of consumers list to the very bottom. The groundswell is changing remember, and consumers are always willing to change and try the new big idea.

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